Florist Branding


This is a business brand kit I designed for Camilla Macaulay Floral Design (a fictional florist that I named after a character in one of my favourite books, The Secret History by Donna Tartt). The brand kit, which includes business card, letterhead, envelope, thank you slip, wall calendar, desk calendar, gift tags, poster and pull-up banner was then photographed for use in promotional materials for Printshop, an online printing business offered by Harvey Norman.

I really liked working on this job because I got to use my skills in hand lettering and hand and computer illustration. I think the stylist on the photoshoot did an amazing job to put the items in a contextual situation and really bring the brand to life in an inspiration way that would encourage consumers to use the Printshop services to develop their own business branding materials.

Categories: Branding Illustration Typography