Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Day


I was engaged by the project team at ASHM (the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine) to create an identity for an upcoming online forum as part of the upcoming Australasian Sexual Health & HIV/AIDS Conferences in September. The name of the forum was to be “Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Day” with the tagline “A Future fit for Reproductive health and Rights by 2050” – which was a challenging amount of words to fit into logo!

I presented the client with three initial concepts for the branding.

ASRHDay Branding Concepts by Emma Reid

From there we simplified the third option and implemented a teal colour palette. The logo then formed the basis for other branded items, including an EDM banner, Word template and website.

ASRHDay Branding Guidelines by Emma Reid

Categories: Branding Design Digital/Web